ELIZABETH CITY, N.C.- Jayshawn Blackledge, a graduating senior at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) is preparing to celebrate a major milestone in his academic journey as he earns his degree in kinesiology. 

A native of Washington, N.C., Blackledge’s dedication to his studies and his passion for promoting health and wellness have distinguished him as a standout student and role model among his peers.  

“ECSU has impacted me by helping me realize my true capabilities when I put my mind to something,” said Blackledge. “It also taught me a lot about myself as a leader and as an individual.” 

Throughout his time at ECSU, Blackledge has been deeply involved in campus life, serving as Mister Senior, a 2024 initiate of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated and a plethora of other extracurricular activities. 

As he prepares to graduate, Blackledge looks forward to pursuing a career within his field of study.  

“My future goals are to attend graduate school and become a physical therapist,” he shared.  

His journey to graduation reflects his perseverance and dedication to conquering his dreams. He is optimistic and carries with him the knowledge, skills and values instilled in him during his time at ECSU.  

“I know there’s a lot of work ahead of me but I’m ready to face that challenge head on.”