Communications and Marketing

Social Media

Electronic and digital communications are important methods of communicating and a key component of strategic communications. The Communications and Marketing (CAM) team works to ensure that ECSU’s social media channels support the brand experience and serve as an effective marketing and information tool for the university.

CAM manages the university’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts and the Chancellor’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. As part of the management of those accounts, CAM:

  • Develops social media campaigns and strategies including a monthly social media calendar highlighting planned posts promoting university events and activities, programs, holidays, deadlines, etc.
  • Coordinates with graphic designers to design posts to support campaigns
  • Develops engaging videos promoting university events, sharing successes, and highlighting campus life
  • Attends university events to capture photos and videos, including but not limited to sporting events, student activities, annual and special events and departmental activities to post to social media channels in real-time and for scheduled posts
  • Implements paid social media campaigns for recruitment and promotion of key university events and academic programs
  • Monitors social media trends to recommend actions/next steps
  • Monitors social media accounts responding and redirecting direct messages
  • Monitors other ECSU accounts sharing and retweeting content to amplify institutional presence and messages

The office also advises departments, units, and clubs and organizations on social media strategies and guidelines to establish new social media channels and maintain existing ones. The office maintains university social media guidelines to advise advises departments, units, and clubs and organizations on social media use.

For Social Media Inquiries:

Jaylen Webb
Digital Communications Coordinator
