Elizabeth City State University

Emergency Management

Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management provides an integrated, comprehensive emergency management program for Elizabeth City State University. The office is responsible for the preparedness training and coordination of emergency response and recovery efforts for natural, manmade or technological hazards that could adversely affect all members and sustainable operations of the campus community.

Evacuate, Hide-out, Take-action.

Responding to an Active Assailant

How one responds to an active assailant situation will be determined by the specific circumstances of the encounter. If you find yourself involved in an active assailant situation, try to remain calm and use the following guidelines as a strategy for survival.


If you ever find yourself in an active assailant situation, the simplest thing to remember is Evacuate, Hide-out, Take-action!


          • If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:
          • If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate.
          • Evacuate whether others agree to or not.
          • Leave your belongings behind.
          • Help others escape if possible.
          • Prevent others from entering the area.
          • Call 9-1-1 when you are safe.


          • If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active assailant is less likely to find you.
          • Lock and/or blockade the door.
          • Hide behind large objects.
          • Silence your cell phone.
          • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions)
          • Remain very quiet.
          • Your hiding place should:
          • Be out of the shooter’s view.
          • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction.
          • Not trap or restrict your options for movement.
          • Remain calm:
          • Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active assailant’s location.
          • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.

Take-action against the active assailant

          • As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to
          • disrupt and/or incapacitate the active assailant by:
          • Acting as aggressively as possible against the assailant.
          • Attempt to incapacitate the assailant.
          • Improvise weapons.
          • Committing to your actions.

Information to provide to law enforcement or 911 operator:

          • Location of the active assailant.
          • Number of assailants, if more than one.
          • Physical description of assailant/s.
          • Number and type of weapons held by the assailant/s.
          • Number of potential victims at the location.

How to react when law enforcement arrives:

          • Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions.
          • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets).
          • Always keep your hands visible.
          • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling.
          • Know that help for the injured is on its way.

What you should expect from law enforcement responding to an active assailant:

          • If possible, tell the officers where the assailant(s) was last seen and a description of the assailant(s).
          • Do as the officers direct you and always keep your hands visible.
          • Police are trained to proceed as quickly as possible to the sound of the gunfire; their purpose is to stop the assailant(s).
          • Officers may be in plainclothes, patrol uniforms or SWAT Uniforms armed with long rifles, shotguns, and handguns.
          • Also be aware that the first responding police officers will not stop to assist injured people. Others will follow to treat the injured. First responding officers are trained to proceed as quickly as possible to the threat and to stop the assailant(s).
          • Keep in mind that once you are in a safe location, the entire scene is a crime scene. The police usually will not let anyone leave until the situation is completely under control. Police may ask for your statement of what you heard and observed. Please cooperate with the police.


ECSU Administration, University Police and Office of Emergency Management are committed to maintaining a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and guests. To insure that all necessary emergency notifications are received in a timely manner, ECSU has developed an Emergency Notification System. This system includes Blackboard Connect (e-mail, text messaging), ECSUALERT (campus wide email), and Audible Alert Tones (Sirens) followed by instructions. 

The Emergency Notification System requires testing to ensure that the mechanics of the systems are working properly and to maintain proficiency. To ensure this process, test dates have been established. The testing may include all phases of the Emergency Notification System.

Test dates will be publicized in advance, so the campus community and people living and working in neighborhoods surrounding the campus will be aware that the system is being tested on a particular date. 

The test dates for the 2022 - 2023 school year will be the third Wednesday of each month @ 3:00 p.m.

All testing will be conducted at 3:00 p.m. on scheduled date unless otherwise stated by University Police or Office of Emergency Management. Testing will consist of distribution message through Blackboard Connect (email to campus and registered email accounts, text to registered numbers), scrolling informational banner on ECSU Homepage and audible siren activation followed by voice test message.

Building Date Time
Viking Village TBD TBD
Viking Tower TBD TBD
University Towers TBD TBD
University Suites TBD TBD
Bias Hall TBD TBD


As per University policy and your housing contract, students must participate in emergency evacuation/fire drills. Failure to evacuate building could result in disciplinary action.

  • All students must evacuate the building as quickly as possible.
  • All students will assemble a MINIMUM OF 1000 FEET away from entrance of building (not steps, entrance or lobby area).
  • Residence Life Staff will conduct headcount and account for residents in building.

OSHA Education Sessions

Subject Date Time Location
Office Safety TBD    
Office Safety TBD    
Workplace Violence TBD    
Workplace Violence TBD    
Building Emergency Coordinators TBD    
Building Emergency Coordinators TBD    
Bloodborne Pathagens TBD    
Bloodborne Pathagens TBD    
Personal Protection Equipment TBD    
Hazard Communications TBD    
Lifting/Carrying Safety TBD    
Lifting/Carrying Safety TBD    


This section provides information on active shooter response procedures. Also it provides an Informational Poster, Pocket Card and FEMA online training courses that will enhance your knowledge of active shooter response; as well as, a direct link to the Federal Bureau Of Investigation Active Shooter Website.


The purpose of a lockdown is to minimize accessibility to rooms/buildings on campus to reduce the risk of injury or danger to faculty, staff, students or visitors.

A lockdown would be implemented when requested by the Chief of Police, the Chancellor or the Executive Cabinet. Under circumstances where a delay in seeking direction from the Chancellor or the Executive Cabinet would result in significant risks to the lives of the University community, lockdown procedures may be initiated immediately by University Police.

Incidents Requiring a Lockdown

Person(s) armed with a firearm or weapon on campus property, gunshots directed at or near the University campus, police incidents involving dangerous person(s) that are adjacent to or within a short distance of the campus, intruders, hazardous chemical spills, gas leaks, electrical conditions, or disasters close to the campus. These examples are not absolute but reflect the type of situation that may require a lockdown.

In the event of an emergency and notification of a campus lockdown, please follow the procedures below:

  • Remain calm. Encourage others to remain calm.
  • Immediately cease all activity (i.e. teaching, group work, meetings, etc.).
  • Lock or barricade all doors where possible; use furniture or desks as cover
  • If possible, cover any windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into a hallway.
  • Shut the blinds or pull the shades down. Turn off the lights and try to give the impression that the room is empty.
  • Stay low, away from windows and doors. 
  • Sit on the floor or crouch under or behind desks and bookshelves where possible, so as to be as invisible as possible.
  • Immediately put all cell phones on "Vibrate" or "Silent" mode. Calls to University Police should be made only if specific information becomes available regarding the location or conduct of the intruder or if the status of the emergency changes.
  • Be as quiet as possible.
  • DO NOT respond to anyone at the door until an "all clear" message is received via campus notification systems (See ECSU Alert Notification Information below) or if you are certain it is safe to do so (i.e. if police are at the door). 
  • If you are directed by police to leave your secured area, assist others in moving as quietly and quickly as possible.
  • Do not sound the fire alarm in the building unless there is a fire. People may be placed in harms way when they are attempting to evacuate the building. If a fire alarm does go off during a lockdown, do not evacuate unless you smell smoke or see fire in your area.
  • If you are outside of a building when a lockdown is announced, if it is safe to do so, run into the nearest building with hands raised above head and palms facing outward and follow the above lockdown instructions. If it is not safe to run into a building, hide behind a large heavy object (i.e. vehicle, tree). Notify University Police of your location when safe to do so. If off-campus do not return and follow official instructions from campus notification system. 
  • Be aware of alternate exits if it becomes necessary to flee.
  • Individuals should not attempt to leave the building until told to do so by police personnel.

All faculty or staff in control of students at the time of the lockdown becomes responsible for those students at that time. Faculty and staff members are responsible for accounting for students and ensuring that no one leaves the safe area. Students without staff must be directed to the nearest classroom or safe building. When the condition causing the lockdown has been eliminated, an "all clear- lockdown is over" announcement will be made through the campus emergency notification system.

Residence Halls
Emergency Evacuation Plan is a plan for the orderly evacuation of your residence hall, and establish the necessary
procedures for fire emergencies, bomb threats, etc.
The Resident Hall Director and Resident Security Officer on duty, are responsible for seeing that this plan is implemented by knowing and communicating the plan to occupants prior to emergency evacuations and act as a liaison with the Campus Police Department.
Preparations and Planning for Emergencies: Preplanning for emergencies is a crucial element of this plan. The following steps have been taken in planning for emergency evacuation of the
  • All exits are labeled and operable.
  • Evacuation route diagrams have been approved by the Office of Safety and Health (OSH) and are posted on
    all floors and at all elevator lobbies.
  • Exits, extinguishers, corridors or stairs are not blocked by storage or rearrangement of furniture or
    equipment. Good housekeeping is everyone's responsibility.
  • All Residence Hall Staffs have been trained in their specific duties and all building occupants have been
    instructed in what to do in case of an emergency evacuation.
  • Fire evacuation drills are held at least annually in the building and are critiqued and documented.
Fire Evacuation Procedure
  • Anyone who receives information or observes an emergency situation should immediately call Campus
    Police or use one of the emergency phones located across campus.
  • In the building, occupants will be notified of an emergency by fire alarm and word of mouth.
  • Occupants will: 1) know at least two exits from which to leave the building 2) be familiar with the evacuation routes posted on their floor 3) know how to Call 911 to report a fire- Give your name and location of fire, including room number and floor. State exactly what is burning, what is smoking or what smells like a fire to you. Then notify the Residence Hall Director or other designated staff person and activate the fire alarm.
  • When notified to evacuate, do so in a calm and orderly manner, i.e. - walk, do not run; keep conversation
    level down; close all doors behind you; use the stairs; help others in need of assistance.
    Go to the designated assembly area. At all times you must remain at least 1000 feet away from the building to allow
    others to safety evacuate the building and for emergency vehicles to gain access to the building.
Evacuation of this building is required whenever the fire alarm sounds. Prior to a fire alarm or fire drill: 
  • Learn the location of your two nearest emergency exits and the fire alarm pull stations 
  • Memorize the University Emergency Number 252-335-3400 or program it into your cell phone 
  • Ask your RA or Residence Hall Director about your designated meeting place 
If the Fire Alarm Sounds
  • Go to the door of your room and check it for heat with the back of your hand 
  • If it is COOL, open the door slowly and check for smoke in the hall. If there is no smoke, stay low, go to the nearest EXIT and evacuate the building. 
  • If it HOT or if there is smoke in the hallway, DO NOT open the door. 
    • Stay in your room 
    • Pack towels, rags or blankets under the door 
    • Telephone the University Police at 335-3266 and give them your location 
    • Wave a brightly colored item out the window to attract attention 
  • If you CAN evacuate your room safely 
  • Close the door as you leave (DO NOT lock the door behind you). If the door locks automatically, TAKE YOUR KEYS. 
  • Proceed to the EXIT and evacuate the building 
  • Meet at your designated area outside of and away from the building for accountability. 
  • Verify that everyone in your group has made it to safety. 
  • IF NOT and there is a fire, contact the University Police 
  • Move at least 100 feet away from the building. 
  • Stay away from the building for your personal safety and firefighter accessibility. 
  • Do not re-enter the building until the fire alarm has been silenced and the Fire Department or the University Police has granted permission. 
Be Prepared for a Fire 
Fire drills are held at least once per semester in each residence hall. Fire drills are mandatory. Students failing to vacate are subject to disciplinary action. Participate in all fire drills as if they were the real thing. False alarms are no joke, report them. 
  • If you have a disability, make sure you are included in the escape planning. 
  • Learn the location of all building exits. You may have to find your way out in the dark. 
  • If a fire occurs, smoke detectors cut your chance of dying in half. Don't disable them. 
  • Fire sprinkler systems can save lives and property. Don't hang anything on the sprinkler heads and pipes. 
  • Portable fire extinguishers can put out small, contained fires. Don't play with them. 
  • Smoking is prohibited in the building. 
  • Candles, halogen or "Torchiere" lamps, incense burners and potpourri pots are forbidden in residence halls. 
  • If you have to escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your exit. 
  • Use the stairs, never an elevator during a fire. 
  • If a fire starts in a microwave oven, keep the door closed and unplug the unit. Don't try to remove the burning container from the microwave. Use microwave-safe cookware.. Do not try to reheat pizza inside the box. 
  • Tampering with, vandalizing or misusing fire safety equipment is prohibited and constitutes reasons for eviction from the residence hall and possible suspension or expulsion from the University. Fire safety equipment includes, but is not limited to, alarms, extinguishers, smoke detectors, door closures, alarmed doors, and sprinklers. 
Failure to evacuate during a safety drill will result in disciplinary action. Items that are flammable such as fuel, etc., may not be stored in a resident's room or apartment. Items that require an open flame to operate or which produce heat (i.e., Bunsen burners, lit candles, alcohol burners, grills) are not allowed in resident's rooms. Residents must further agree to abide by the safety regulations as stipulated in the Housing contract.


Upcoming Training & Announcements

The Elizabeth City State University Office of Environmental Health & Safety/Emergency Management & University Police will conduct required Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drills in all University Residence Halls Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Semesters.
Please review Emergency Evacuation Procedures located above and in ECSU Student Handbook.
Please familiarize yourself with the responsibilities to protect yourself and others. You should always treat and take fire alarms seriously; due to the fact your safety is paramount.
Remember that a fire can occur at any time, and it is vital that you know what to do to protect yourself and locate to a safe area. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.
All students, faculty and staff are asked to insure that their email addresses and text contact information is correct for Emergency Notification. For faculty and staff they should verify with Human Resources. For students, they should verify with the Registrar Office when they have been cleared and enrolled at University. The information for Emergency Notification will be electronically gathered from these departments at the close of registration.


Worker's Compensation

The Division of Human Resources is responsible for administering ECSU's Workers' Compensation Program.This program is designed to ensure that employees receive appropriate care, compensation, or benefits in accordance with the provisions of the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act if they are injured or sustain an occupational disease in the course of performing their work duties. This website provides valuable information to assist employees and supervisors in preventing workplace injuries and to inform them of workers' compensation procedures.

Environmental Heath and Workplace Safety


Emergency Management Coordinator

David L. Hill, Jr.
Environmental Health & Safety Professional
