Human Resources

Employee Relations

Employee Relations

ECSU provides employee relations services that are designed to promote and facilitate equal employment opportunities, fairness and consistency in the treatment of employees, effective communications between management and employees, documentation of employment actions, record keeping as required by law and practice, complaint resolution processes, managerial and employee training, and "best employment practices." Employee Relations also encompasses ECSU's overall approach to maintaining a positive, productive and cohesive work environment within the university's business model and academic culture.

Employee Relations services include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing counseling to employees and/or supervisors to resolve work-related problems that may relate to performance and/or disciplinary actions,
  • Mediating disputes and advising all parties involved in matters relating to employee relations and human resources policies, 
  • Coordinating Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services,
  • Administering grievance processes,
  • Monitoring employee performance and competency assessments.
Contact Dr. Shamica Long-Lane

Chief Human Resources Officer



Related Policies

  • Workplace Violence Policy (ECSU Policy 200.1.7)
  • Career Banding Salary Administration Plan (ECSU Policy 200.1.8)
  • Career Banding Dispute Resolution Form (ECSU Policy 200.1.8 [F])
  • Employee Assistance Program Policy (ECSU Policy 200.1.18)
  • Mediation and Grievance Policy for SPA Employees (ECSU Policy 200.2.1)
  • Grievance Procedures for Employees Exempt From the State Personnel Act (EPA) (ECSU Policy 200.3.5)
  • Faculty Grievance Procedure (ECSU Policy 300.2.7)
  • Disciplinary Action Procedures for SPA Employees (ECSU Policy 200.2.3)

For a complete listing of policies, please refer to the ECSU Policy Manual.

COVID Resources

Employees who belive they may have been exposed to COVID-19 or for questions / concerns regarding the campus reopening process contact: 

Resiliency Resources for Faculty and Staff

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program is FREE to all ECSU employees.  This FREE resource is available to provide confidential support, expert information, and valuable resources for personal issues, planning for life events, or simply managing daily life.  Common topics include financial information, legal support and resources, work-life solutions, videos, tutorials, and self-assessments. 

visit using the company ID or you may call 1-800-697-0353 (TDD 800-697-0353).  

Contact Tanisha Brumsey

Human Resources Specialist/ Employment Manager
