Division of

University Advancement

Through a wide variety of strategic outreach efforts, the Division of University Advancement works to build, sustain and enhance financial support to the university.  Monetary gifts and resources are distributed and leveraged to benefit the academic and cultural growth of students, to better serve our primary constituents, and to enhance the quality of life in northeastern North Carolina.  

Our priorities in the area of university development include increasing endowments and annual scholarship support. As ECSU continues to grow, the need for the funding and resources to attract top-quality students and highly qualified faculty will grow also.  I hope you will take the time to review the information on our website and explore the many giving opportunities that allow you to invest in the university. We appreciate your partnership and value your contribution. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can assist you in identifying the appropriate giving opportunity for you.

As university's the main external relations arm, the Division of University Advancement includes the areas of community development, alumni relations, development.  The staff members in these units work diligently to foster strong relationships, tell the ECSU story, market the university's many academic and cultural offerings, and provide valuable information and services to help people improve their lives.  Our radio and television staff even has a Stellar Award winning broadcaster!

Thank you for your support of ECSU.  "Come to Discover. Leave to Conquer"  is more than a tagline to us. We take the core values behind it to heart and take seriously our role in advancing the mission of the university. 

Dr. Kevin J. Wade,
Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and University Advancement